This post sponsored by STAINMASTER®. All opinions are my own.
Affiliate links may be included in this post.
Do YOU have a messy, disorganized spot in your house that you walk past every day and it makes you feel AWFUL?? (Please say yes. PLEASE.) One little corner of our laundry room has always been a problem area for us. You’ve never seen it because I WOULD NEVER SHOW IT TO YOU. 😉 I’d rather share the finished, fun views like this:
Oh, but if you could see behind me. I mean, it’s not horrific, but it’s soooo not cute. Here’s a peek:
This is the cleaned-up version. Ryan’s golf clubs are usually sitting here as well (we don’t have a garage), and it has become a tripping hazard! I walk past this area more than any other area of our home, but because it’s not shared in the public eye, it never gets addressed. This week I decided it was time to FLIP THE SCRIPT and create a darling little corner that makes me happy!
Here’s the design plan:
-Must be cute.
-Must be organized.
-Daring to be different.
-An “Anthropologie” type feel…vintage-ish with modern touches.
Before we get started, let’s talk about what IS working in our laundry room:
From this angle, you can see NONE of the mess (which is why I share it! haha) and you can see my very FAVORITE thing about this much-used room. The flooring! This STAINMASTER® luxury vinyl (find it here) has proven to be the BEST decision over and over. Water-proof, slip-resistant, and the perfect “concrete” look that hides dirt, dog hair, and who knows what else…a design decision that we are SO PLEASED with, even 2 years later! Since we love the flooring, it played a big role in choosing the color for our messy corner update. Ready to see?
“WHAT THE HECK?” (I know that’s what you’re thinking. Ha,ha) So we kicked things off with a beautiful green (Sherwin Williams “Inland”), reminiscent of a green chalkboard. I’ve always wanted to try a green chalkboard wall, with a wash over it to give it a “freshly erased” look…this was the perfect opportunity! Most of the laundry room is white shiplap, so a little green accent wall sounded fun.
 I’ll admit. At this point I was a little scared. But that’s usually a sign that I’m gonna LOVE IT. No risk, no reward, right?
You might notice we opted to paint right over the ugly electrical box. I felt a little wild doing something like that (I don’t get out much, haha) but HEY, we are LIVING ON THE EDGE OVER HERE! After 3 coats of our “Inland” green, it was time to move on to the next exciting step…
 Who on earth rubs an old t-shirt dipped in watered down white chalk paint all over their freshly painted walls?
Yesssss. It’s completely uneven and completely out of the box. But it’s also artistic, creative, and exactly the look I was going for! A freshly-erased chalkboard. A backdrop for the next step. But first, I’ll tell you my very fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants process:
I used Magnolia white chalk paint, poured a little in a cup and watered it waaaaaaay down (approx. 1 part paint to 4 parts water), dipped an old t-shirt into the mixture, and wiped it on the wall. I had to work incredibly fast as it dries quickly. Working in small sections, I’d wipe it on with my right hand, and rub it back off with a dry towel in my left hand. I felt like I was working on a movie set…doing some kind of fun faux finish. This is the STUFF, people. The unplanned, trial & error stuff that makes me OH SO HAPPY.
Once I completed the “chalk wash” portion, I was a bit concerned that it looked too uneven. At that point I went back over it with a large paintbrush, dipped in the chalk paint mixture. I did long vertical strokes, and used the dry towel to blend it. This made it appear a bit more consistent. BUT. I discovered it didn’t really matter anyway, because the next layer was about to make it allllllll come together! ♥ Any guesses?
Yep, you know me so well! A stencil! This pretty rose stencil was admittedly an unexpected choice for ME, but I LOVE it. (Find the stencil here.) It adds a touch of femininity to this hard-working room, and a vintage look that gives me all the warm fuzzies! I used acrylic craft paint (Folk Art “Vintage White”) and my biggest tip for stenciling is to use HARDLY ANY paint. A fairly dry brush gives a softer, more faded, “worn-in” look and less of a “HEY I JUST LEARNED TO STENCIL” look. 😉
Can you feel my happiness in the pic above? Gahhhh….creating is such a mood-booster!
When we purchased our 1890 farmhouse, it was covered in at least 3 layers of wallpaper in EVERY room. You can probably guess why I’m a little resistant to using wallpaper here. This is why I’m so IN LOVE with stenciling! The look of wallpaper, without the commitment! If we get tired of it? A quick coat of paint will erase the whole thing.
Since there were no expansive areas to stencil in this particular room, I opted to work in vertical strips, as if I was wallpapering. The dogs patiently waited for me as I tapped my stencil brush lightly against the wall to complete the look…my anticipation growing with each completed “block!”
Once complete, I stood back to take a look. I hardly recognized this little spot!
Here are my thoughts in this moment:
I love it. (Can you feel the “but” coming?)…However, the way I choose to decorate it will be important. I have an appreciation for vintage, but I also love a modern twist to keep it more “us.” That’s what I’ve come to appreciate about the beautiful displays in Anthropologie…they always make it relevant with an artistic modern twist. Choosing a very clean-lined modern clock was a good way to keep this corner from being too sugary sweet. Does that make sense? Oh, I’ll just show you!
But first, remember the before:
And here’s the AFTER! ♥
Another “before” view: (below)
And after!
I’m over the MOON excited! Even the dogs seem happier! 🙂 The bright + fresh pillows, the hook rack for storage, a modern looking clock, a thrifted basket…it all came together to make my heart so happy. Taking a little time to brighten up a dull corner (that nobody ever sees…except us!) was such a JOY this week! What little spot in your home could use some love? I’d challenge you to try something a bit outside your norm. It might just be the “sunshine” you’re craving.♥
This post sponsored by STAINMASTER®. All opinions are my own.
Your style. It’s so YOU! But wait, what does that mean? We are influenced by the things we see every day…social media, tv, Pinterest, friends…heck. I’m even influenced by the table next to me in a restaurant! (Oh! What is SHE having? That’s what I want!)
It’s easy to lose sight of our OWN personal style these days. I’ve even felt a little bit like a misfit because I like a big ‘ol combination of many styles! Country-colonial-boho-farmy-rustic with sweet details? Is that a style? It is to ME!
In order to narrow it down and give your own unique style a name, I’d suggest looking at pics that really grab your heart and write down the name of that style. Add to your list as you peruse social media, Pinterest, or when you’re out shopping! Then look over the list and pick out the styles that fit you best. It’s kinda fun to come up with your own “style name!” Contemporary rustic ranch chic? Scandanavian sweetness? Mid-century simplicity with over-achiever details? 😉 Whatever you come up with, it’s unique to you.
Why is it important to name your style? Oh, it’s about to be so helpful. Just wait.
Here are a couple ways you can USE the power of knowing your style well.
•When shopping for flooring.
Oh sure, it SOUNDS like fun, but it’s an important decision! This is something you’ll likely only address a couple times in life, if you choose wisely. Since you already know your style and what YOU truly love, you can move on to the next criteria…the type of look that will “fit” your home.
Is your house new? Old? Do you live in the city? Or along a country road? When we were choosing flooring, we wanted to “honor” the history of our home (built in 1890), and keep it stylish but classic. We also considered our setting, which is in the country, meaning plenty of dust, mud, and water!
Another thing to consider when selecting flooring is who LIVES in your home. Our kids are basically grown, but these two (above) are a huge part of the family. Yep, sweet little Cooper + Hazel have our hearts, and we were after a durable surface that could stand up to their shenanigans. 😉 (We chose this 100% waterproof STAINMASTER® luxury vinyl, and oh how we love it!) Our “who” lead to the perfect product for us. A decision we are still happy with, years later. Click here to see a fun little video about this exact subject!
Ok! Another way you can use the power of knowing your style?
•When shopping for furniture (especially sofas!).
Why oh why OH WHY is it so daunting to choose sofas? Just me? We’ve purchased 3 sofa “sets” over the course of our 26 year marriage, and it’s always a decision over which we agonize. Since it’s a bit of an investment, it has to be comfy, and we’ll look at it every day, it can feel impossible. BUT WAIT! Remember your design style? We’ve GOT THIS, friends! That information right there will help you knock out the first criteria of SHAPE. After that, I like to recommend going as neutral as possible, with a fabric that is most likely to stand up to your life (or your toddlers, dogs, and grape-juice-loving guests).
ARE YOU HAVING FUN YET? I am! Knowing your own personal style well is such an advantage. It can be helpful with the big decisions in our homes, but also the smaller ones (paint color, accent furniture, decor…all of it!).
I can’t wait any longer! What’s YOUR style? We’d love to hear!
Find our STAINMASTER® carpet here.
Find our wood-look STAINMASTER® luxury vinyl here.
Find our laundry room STAINMASTER® luxury vinyl here.
This post sponsored by STAINMASTER®. All opinions are my own.
Has this happened to you? You finally get the beautiful opportunity to choose brand new flooring. You start daydreaming about how amazing that will be…to be the very FIRST person to walk across that new floor? To start from scratch with a look YOU CHOSE YOURSELF? Oh how wonderful!
But wait.
You walk into the flooring showroom and BAM. So. Many. Choices. Whatever happened to the dream of simply picking out a new floor and enjoying it? This feels like work. I’ve soooo been there (and this is my JOB!).
(At this stage of our renovation, we had a million decisions ahead of us! Below:)
I’ve got your back, friend. I find it helpful to follow these 3 guidelines before walking into that flooring showroom.
1. Do your research before you go.
Ever try going out to dinner with a group of people and no one will say what they really want to eat? So you’re forced to start with “Ok, what do you NOT WANT?”
Here’s what I mean. Giving yourself some parameters to work within is helpful! Consider how you use the room. Is it a room where water is a factor (laundry room, kitchen, bathroom)? Do you have pets? Do you entertain a lot? Have you seen some flooring (on tv, social media, Pinterest) that you just love? Start looking at inspiration pictures before you shop, to help narrow your search.
Another HUGE part of the research phase is thinking through your space. Will the new flooring meet up with any existing flooring? Or any other types of flooring in the house? Chances are, this is something you’ll need to consider. During our renovation I was totally stumped on our laundry room. The trouble was, the laundry flooring would meet up with the hallway hardwood flooring, and I REEEEEALLY wanted luxury vinyl in the laundry room (since it’s waterproof and would stand up to our puppies). Silly me, I thought luxury vinyl only came in a wood look (which wouldn’t work next to real hardwoods)! I was over the moon when we came across this option from STAINMASTER® that resembles concrete! (below)
And look! It transitioned nicely from the hardwood. (Find our luxury vinyl flooring here!)
2. Know your style.
THIS IS HUGE. Your home is a reflection of YOU. You can look at inspiration pics all day long, but when decision time comes, be true to yourself. What makes YOU happy? What will make your home feel like “HOME” to YOU?
During our reno, one day I mentioned on our social media that we were going to put carpet in our bedrooms and on our stairs. We got plenty of messages from people saying “WHAT???? NO!!! You should put hardwoods everywhere!”
But we knew. We knew the cozy feel we wanted in our bedrooms. The sense of quiet that carpet would bring to our echo-y stairwell. The beautiful carpet that we had seen that would not cause one bit of sacrifice in the “pretty” department! To each their own, my friends!
We loved the way this pretty STAINMASTER® carpet looked next to the wood-look STAINMASTER® luxury vinyl we chose for our kid’s bath upstairs (below).
Find the STAINMASTER® carpet here (color: “cast”), and the STAINMASTER® luxury vinyl here.
3. Set your budget.
As a designer I’m always surprised that most clients don’t have a budget in mind when we start a project. The budget is the most important parameter. Why? Because it gives you a starting point! There are beautiful options in every price-point. If you go in with no limits, you’ll be sifting through a million options, and you may end up spending a whole lot more than you wanted. That said, flooring is not a place to skimp. Once your new flooring is installed, you won’t want the hassle of replacing it any time soon! 🙂
4. Ok I know I said there were 3 tips, but this one’s for free. EAT A SNACK before you go shopping for flooring. For reals. You’ll want your brain to be firing on all cylinders as you make these important decisions, and hey…who doesn’t love snack time? 😉
Did that help? Are you ready to tackle the flooring showroom? YOU’VE GOT THIS!
Click here to see a fun video I got to create with STAINMASTER® on this exact topic!
WHY? Why does it seem so difficult to decorate/design a master bedroom? It’s typically the last room we tackle, since the only people that see it are US. But wait. Shouldn’t that make it the MOST important room? I mean, we’re the ones that live here after all?
When we moved in after the renovation, we couldn’t WAIT to get here. To actually LIVE here on the farm. But if you want to know the truth, move-in day was NOT what I had dreamed. The rooms here were so much different than our former home (a new construction/open floor plan/up-with-the-times place). Ugh. I’m ashamed to say that I was so hung-up on the fact that our new place had impossibly narrow & hard-to-situate rooms, I forgot to be thankful for a little bit.
The master bedroom was easier to decorate, as during the reno we reconfigured the space, and it actually felt like new construction. We threw our current furniture in there and called it good. There was nothing wrong with any of it. But after living here for over a year, we were READY for a change….something that felt more like US, and life here on Prairie Hill Farm.
Before we go any further, let’s remember how that master looked on the day we bought it.
Problem areas: LOW ceilings (under 8′), a very small bathroom (in the top left corner), and don’t get me started on the smell. The space was reconfigured during reno, the ceiling was opened up into the attic for a nice vaulted look, and everything was fresh & new, which took care of the smell. 🙂
Here’s how the room has looked for the last year:
Nothing WRONG with it, but it didn’t feel RIGHT for our new life here. BUT WHAT WOULD BE RIGHT?
Before I break any of that down, I’m just gonna show you! (Because I can’t keep secrets.)
THIS! This is US!!!
Here’s how I got started on the look:
1. Pinterest is usually a great place to start, but something weird happened. I couldn’t find ANYTHING that felt like us. But that got me excited. It’s fun to blaze a new trail for yourself. (Why wasn’t anyone else doing a ranchy-colonial-farmy-casual-cozy-boho bedroom? ha ha) I decided to start with the bed. Our old bed was beautiful, comfy & nice quality. Wait a second. WAS I CRAZY? Well of course. That’s how I knew I was on to something. 😉
I fell in love with this bed when I saw it online. (You can find it here!) Only problem? It was out of stock. I signed up for the notification if it came back in stock, WHICH IT DID! (insert praise hands here.) Oh it was EVERYTHING to the new feel. Light & airy, simple, and fit every category. The price was SO GOOD I was actually skeptical!
Ryan put this bed together in no time, and assembly was SO EASY! (it’s a good one if you’re in the market!)
2. Next up? BEDDING. Help me now. Someone get me a snack and a diet coke. Because this is a monumental task. Ok, not really. Once I really dove into the search, it all came together. Here’s a tip. Interview yourself. How do you want your room to feel? What colors do you like? Are you “team duvet” or “team comforter?” And FOR SURE start your search online. Soooo much easier than driving all over town.
For me, it all started falling into place when I found this quilt. LOVE AT FIRST SIGHT. (You can find the Tallie Geo Print Cotton quilt here.)
Since the quilt had such a bold pattern, I knew it would be best used at the foot of the bed. So that meant we still needed a comforter. When I stumbed on THIS beauty, it was a total love connection!
The subtle stripe, little black stitching, and incredibly soft texture? GET. IN. MY. HOUSE. (find the comforter here! Such a bargain!)
3. Choosing a rug was my next task, and we are so happy with this one (find it here)! A great rug pad is key for helping to keep your rug in place, and also adds more padding to a flat weave rug. The pad we chose is also great for pets, as it will not allow accidents to seep down into the carpet below. (Find it here!)
Here’s Ryan rolling out the new rug pad…impressed with the quality!
4. The supporting players are important! Think nightstands, benches, lamps, etc. Since our new bed is more airy & open (not to mention HIGH, since we chose to use a boxspring), we knew our old nightstands didn’t quite work. They felt too light, open, & low. I am impatient and did NOT want to wait to order something online. We stumbled on the perfect solution in our local Hobby Lobby!
I just LOVE it when that happens!
The lamps needed an update as well (find them here), since the old ones would have been TOO MUCH of that wood tone. The only thing left was a bench for the foot of the bed! We did have one little cutie out in the barn, but it was in rough shape (see below).
Mmmmhmmm. Not exactly dreamy. YET. Ryan power-washed it like crazy, and I gave it a quick sand…Voila! Free bench!
Fun fact: did you know snake plants (see above) clean air better than most other indoor plants? They also absorb excess amount of carbon monoxide and can lead to better sleep. I think we need a few more of these around here!
5. I decided to shop our house for the finishing touches. Recognize the galvanized cow over the bed? (It’s on clearance now! Find it here.) Moving things around the house gives me a whole new appreciation and makes them look brand new.
It feels so good to have this project complete, and to have a cozy retreat at the end of a long day!
What do you think? Is it anything like what you expected? Could your master bedroom use a little spruce-up too?
This post sponsored by STAINMASTER®. All opinions are my own.
Finally! The day is here! I have been so excited to share this beautiful vacation rental with you. If you follow along on Instagram, you may remember I recently flew to Florida to lend a hand with decorating this newly completed vacation rental, belonging to Jess @carcabaroad and her husband Jody! Jess and I had so much fun shopping til we dropped, and decorating our hearts out for a few days in April.
It all started with this beautiful STAINMASTER® flooring (you can find this particular one here!). Jess caught the attention of the folks at STAINMASTER® when she was answering constant questions about the beautiful flooring in her own home, each time she posted a pic on Instagram (you can find her @carcabaroad). Knowing that we are super big fans of the flooring over here too, STAINMASTER® teamed us up to decorate together, and OH HOW WE LOVED EVERY MINUTE!!!
Jody & Jess Davis have been building homes since 2012. The first home they built was for themselves, and then it became a vacation rental when they built a new home in 2018.
The Davis’ got their start when the market crashed and land was relatively cheap on the island where they reside in St. Augustine, Florida. But then, the hurricanes happened. With Matthew hitting in 2016, followed by Irma in 2017, a lot of folks were moving away. Jess describes the scene like this: “It looked like a warzone in our neighborhood for months. There were piles of people’s belongings just sitting out by the street.” As you can imagine, there were suddenly a lot of properties available, including one such home that Jody & Jess purchased, renovated, and turned into a vacation rental.
Thankfully, since the Davis’ homes were all new construction and built really well, they weathered the storms, and now this power couple continues to pursue their passion in Florida. They are blessed to live close to plenty of family, and their 4 sweet kiddos keep them on their toes!
In the planning stages, Jess knew she wanted a coastal beach house vibe, with some mid-mod boho touches (a departure from her usual farmhouse style!). The key to the whole thing was to keep the surfaces light & bright, so that color could be brought in with the furniture and decor. And here’s the kicker: since this is a vacation rental, there are guests of all kinds: kids, snowbirds, large family groups, you name it! Selecting a flooring option that could stand up to it ALL (including sand, water, and damp beach towels) was of utmost importance.
And then, Jody & Jess made an amazing design decision: they opted to run this beautiful STAINMASTER® luxury vinyl throughout the entire home. From the entry, to the kitchen, to the bathrooms. And let me tell you,
In the living room, we brought in some warmth with a big area rug, woven accents, and an armload of super cozy pillows. Jess found the sectional on CraigsList (she’s an amazing bargain-hunter!), and her uncle Guy was our hero when it came to hanging all the decor in the house!
Our color palette was inspired by these vintage dining chairs (also a CraigsList find!). Doesn’t it just SCREAM Florida vacation?? If you come to stay in this pretty home, there will be room for the whole family to gather around the table!
The kitchen is airy, bright, and oh-so-beautiful! Jess told me the flooring actually inspired her counter top choice. Isn’t it stunning?
The kitchen rug was a “Tuesday Morning” find. It adds such a fun splash of color in here!
I literally could NOT stop taking pictures when I was there. This house is such a breath of fresh air!
On the main level of this house there are two master suites. This room has beautiful dramatic dark walls (this is Sherwin Williams “Tricorn Black”) and is super spacious.
Notice how the STAINMASTER® flooring runs straight into the master bath. Seamless!
The other main level master bedroom is flooded with light and is made for total relaxation.
Are you ready to book your stay yet? I AM!!!!
This cheerful bath (below) is just off the bedroom. What a retreat!
Let’s go upstairs! At the top of the steps you’ll find a great loft bonus area, perfect for the kiddos to play.
Speaking of kiddos, how about this bunk room? (below)
On the other side of the 2nd level is one more beautiful bedroom (below).
The “St. Augustine Beach” sign was one of our favorite purchases (from Alton Creatives) on our whirlwind shopping adventure! We felt like it just completed this room!
The mirror (below) was found at Kirkland’s, and the vintage table/chest was a fun way to add character to this new house.
Outside, near the pool, Jess & I added some fun hanging battery-operated lanterns to the trees. Such a magical touch! I can hardly wait to see them at night.
If you’re going to be in the St. Augustine, Florida area, and you need a great place to stay, check this place out here!
Want to see the video we created with STAINMASTER® while decorating this home? We can’t wait to share it! See it here!!
A HUGE thanks to the team at STAINMASTER® for putting this whole thing together. This was a dream collaboration and we had a blast!!
Ok, so tell us!!! WHATCHA THINK???
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Suzanne - You’re truly a “magician!!!!” I’m in love with this transformation💚💚💚
yellowprairieint - Aww thank you so much Suzanne! 🙂
Suzanne - You’re so very welcome, Janna☺️🌷
Jeannie S - Love the simple, sweet decor added to your fabulous paint/stencil job!
yellowprairieint - Thank you Jeannie! The decor really helped pull the overall look together. 🙂
Brenda Johnson - It’s just adorable Janna, you are so creative! What’s next? Can’t wait to see…he he.
yellowprairieint - Thank you! Trust me…I’m looking all over my house for corners that need help next! 🙂
Donna Jara - I love, love, love your stenciled wall
yellowprairieint - Thank you Donna! This was the most fun project.
Michele - I’m totally stealing this idea! Gorgeous!
yellowprairieint - Oh I hope you will! 🙂
Molly - Hi Janna! I love this corner of your laundry room and am planning to do a similar design in our laundry/pantry. Thanks so much for sharing the whole process. Quick question…I looked at the stencil on etsy and wondered if you used the large or small pattern? Thanks!
yellowprairieint - It was the small! 🙂 Happy stenciling!
kathleen - Hi Janna! It looks beautiful! can I ask where you purchased your pendant light for your laundry room? We love it. Thanks!
yellowprairieint - Oh yes! We ordered the pendant through Kelly’s Lighting in Salem, OR. 🙂