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Stepping Out in Faith


Yep, it’s a cross-walk.

When you walk across a cross walk, do you stop a few feet in? Or go halfway across and then turn back? Of course not. You commit, you step out, you walk across.

Oh if only it was that easy when it comes to life’s decisions. While I always pray about big decisions, and TRY to remember to turn things over to the Lord, once I actually step OUT, I question Him! I walk so hesitantly, I want to turn around…or step back when things are uncomfortable. And NEW things are ALWAYS uncomfortable. Why do I do this, time after time? Well, simple answer: I’m human. I start thinking I’m in control of my own life and it’s all up to me. Nope.

Last night I reminded my son that he needed to make a sandwich for his lunch, that way he wouldn’t be in a hurry in the morning. And then I reminded him again. And then just IN CASE he didn’t hear me, or realize the value in my suggestion, I reminded him again. This morning, I heard him running around like crazy trying to get out the door to school on time. And he didn’t take his lunch. Because he was going OUT to lunch with his friends. It’s just like me to focus so hard on the one dumb little detail, the sandwich. Oh my gosh, the world will END if you don’t make your sandwich RIGHT NOW. Well, the sandwich didn’t matter, because it wasn’t part of the plan. How many times do we do this in our lives with God? We pray about one thing, and then remind Him again and again about how things need to go. What if that one thing isn’t part of the plan? And there’s actually something WAY BETTER than a sandwich?

They call it “stepping out in faith” for a reason. It’s. Not. Easy. On a human level. But we have to remember that He knows the plan. He knows the discomfort we experience when we don’t know the exact path, and all of the ups and downs we may encounter. You know how they say “Enjoy the ride?” Kinda hard to enjoy a ride when you’re focused on every little problematic scenario that MIGHT arise.

Now. Now I’m ready. I’m striving to get out of my own head. To step out in faith, cross the street, and every other street He puts before me. To stop being wrapped up in dumb little details that don’t matter. Friends, Jesus LOVES us! That’s what matters! He has CHOSEN us. He has a PLAN for us. If only. If only we’ll stop worrying about the sandwich.

  • September 14, 2015 - 11:05 pm

    Alena - Love this and I needed to hear it today! Thank you 🙂ReplyCancel

    • September 15, 2015 - 7:07 pm

      yellowprairieint - Alena, thank you for taking time to comment. It means so much to me to know that these words were not just for me, but for you! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • September 14, 2015 - 11:54 pm

    Nikki - Thank you so much for that post. It’s so easy to get caught up on one thing that you think just has to happen. I do it so much. But you’re right…there may be something infinitely better because our best is less than God’s perfect plan.ReplyCancel

    • September 15, 2015 - 7:06 pm

      yellowprairieint - If only I could remember this, daily. Working on it! 🙂 You are so right. God’s plan is perfect, and so much better than anything WE can imagine!ReplyCancel

  • September 15, 2015 - 2:25 am

    Robin - Wow. Brought me to tears. I guess I needed it too. Thank you for the reminder and the gentle push.ReplyCancel

    • September 15, 2015 - 7:04 pm

      yellowprairieint - Oh Robin, Thank you for commenting. Glad I’m not the only one focused on the sandwich. 🙂ReplyCancel

  • September 15, 2015 - 2:12 pm

    Emily Tate - Thank you so much for sharing this. I look around and I see what looks to be these flawless perfect people with what looks to be very put together lives…and my life is so far from that! I pray everyday for a nice quiet “normal” life. I want to blend. But God has another plan for me and has been pushing me so far outside my comfort zone, it makes me want to stop and question him with every single movement I make. In these moments I absolutely know why he has me paired with a man like Matt. Nothing seems to bother this guy! And he always knows what to say to help me feel “normal” while I move forward on this crazy ride God has me on. I love how that happens. How God has a way of surrounding us with the tools to handle the road we are going down….and if we just keep going and trusting in him, he will provide. That is what gets me excited to “forget about the sandwich” and see what amazing thing he has planned for me next! I hope it’s chocolate cake!ReplyCancel

    • September 15, 2015 - 7:00 pm

      yellowprairieint - Yes, exactly, Emily! Love what you wrote about giving us the tools we’ll need along the way. And you totally made me laugh with the chocolate cake comment! 🙂ReplyCancel

  • September 25, 2015 - 2:46 am

    Pam Foster - Boy does that hit home Janna! Thanks! You have such a wonderful way of putting things into words. You created a perfect picture to show me how a plan does not have to be the one I am thinking of. Wow! I’m ready to see what God’s plan for me is!

    Love you!

  • September 25, 2015 - 4:24 am

    Jeff & Pam Foster - Janna – THAT was sooooo good! Dad and I read it “out loud” together! (I did the reading of it actually – with lots of emphasis) … It was amazing to us how it hits home…what you write! YOU are so gifted to put into words these great truths! God has surely blessed you with a gift to share his word. God bless you honey!
    Thank you.
    We love you!

    Mom and DadReplyCancel
